Industron Technical Services

Advanced Material Testing
Team Industron is always ready to fulfil the needs of the materials research community of the country with the help of latest technology. Various materials research projects are being carried out in the Nanomechanics Research Laboratory (NRL) during the past years. NRL has undertaken many numbers of R&D projects in collaboration with the various prestigious research organizations, education institutions and industries, across the nation.
We have one of the best nanomechanical research laboratories in the country. Our organization is fully equipped to extract the best results from the research projects, and we are committed to contribute for the growth of research in Indian society. Being an Indian company, we are able to help students from various educational institutes like IITs, NITs and other educational institutions, to carryout quality research at minimal expense.
The readiness of our team to take-up new challenges and setting the goals to new heights are well appreciated by our collaborators. Our team is expert in understanding and designing the experiments based on the testing requirements of the researcher.
In the spirit of supporting and working together with the Indian scientific community, Industron is pleased to announce the access of the sample testing facility- Nanomechanics Research Laboratory, on chargeable basis to the academic and industrial research community.
R & D Consultancy Support

In R&D we have two verticals
Smart Product Engineering
A design is only as good as the execution, and our team includes mechanical, electrical, software and materials scientist working together to bring your product from concept to production. We can provide: Precision mechanical design, part and assembly CAD databases, Finite Element Analysis (FEA), electro-mechanical system design, mechatronic sensors and actuators, and embedded system hardware and software integration. We can do it all or work with you to offer support during the development process.
Material Development and Testing
You may be developing a new material, a special coating or thin film on a substrate or may be developing a heat treatment cycle and need to understand the fundamental mechanical integrity, strength, properties of the materials under the conditions that it is designed to function. We have a readily available research lab and experts at your service to, provide you the insight on, mechanical strength, hardness, elastic and visco-elastic properties, fracture toughness, creep resistance, structure property correlation, and failure analysis. Our in-situ/operando testing ability will give you all the information you need. We are also open for collaboration and joint exploration. To know more please contact one of our application scientists.
Training Courses

Industron is committed towards the quality of Nanomechanical Testing Training Program and therefore it is backed with the experience of 30 plus years of Dr. Syed Asif, Director R&D-Industron Nanotechnology Pvt Ltd. We have dedicated training programs for industry and academia.
Service Agreements

Industron is committed to maintain high level of customer satisfaction and keep the systems up and running. Industron brings you different product for the smooth functioning of the system and avoid any paperwork delay at the time when your system need the urgent attention.
Technical Support Center