Quantitative Nanoscale and Microscale Mechanical & Tribological Characterization. Bruker’s standalone nanomechanical test instruments deliver the highest degree of performance, accuracy, reliability, and versatility for quantitative mechanical and tribological characterization at the nanoscale and microscale. Utilizing multiple patented and proprietary technologies, the Hysitron product line of standalone nanomechanical test instruments enable quantitative characterization at length scales unreachable by others. Combined with the most comprehensive suite of hybrid characterization techniques, the TI 980 TriboIndenter and TI Premier series nanoindenters will keep your materials development at the forefront of technology.

TI 980 TriboIndenter
Bruker's most advanced nanomechanical and nanotribological test instrument, operating at the intersection of maximum performance, flexibility, reliability, sensitivity and speed.

TI Premier
Versatile nanomechanical and nanotribological test instrument, supporting a broad range of hybrid and correlative characterization technique.

TS 77 Select
Dedicated nanomechanical test instruments, providing an essential toolkit of core nanoscale mechanical characterization techniques.