Training Courses
Why Nanomechanical Testing Training Program ?
- Implications for commercial and industrial processes:
- Properties of nanoscale materials influence performance, lifetime, durability of commercial systems (MEMS, CMP, etc)
- Optimization of material systems for commercial gain
- Understand and control nanoscale behaviour
- Properties can be linked to microstructure and process
- Failure analysis & quality control
- Scale connectivity from bulk to nanoscale gives complete understanding of material behaviour at all levels
- Nanoscale engineering makes materials lighter, stronger, cheaper and more recyclable
Online Training Program: 10 hrs
- Basics of nanomechanical testing
- Industrial application focused experimental training
- Hands on experience on the tool with the remote access
- Problem solving session for industry
OnSite Training Program: 20 hrs
- Basics of nanomechanical Testing
- Industrial application focused experimental training
- Hands on experience on the tool
- Problem solving session for Industry
Academia Training Course
The priority of the Training Program is to provide educators all around the globe with the means to methodically educate the growing student population on the essentials of nanoscale science and nanotechnology. The entire program was designed with the student and instructor in mind. Intuitive software and detailed modules help students to learn nanoscale science effectively while saving educators valuable planning and laboratory time. Not only does the program aim to save educators’ time and introduce students to the nanoscale world, the suite intends to deliver a solid foundation for further education. Whether a student is moving from their undergraduate studies to a position in industry or academia, the training program on nanomechanical testing is built to provide a strong base of nanoscale knowledge and an understanding of the interplay between nano and macroscale properties. The graph shows the rising interest in probing mechanical properties at nanoscale using depth sensing indentation technique.

Why test at Nanoscale ?
Materials behave differently at nanoscale compared to bulk.
- Smaller is stronger phenomenon.
- Deformation mechanisms change.

Online Training Program:
- Instrumentation and measurement
- Science at nanoscale
- Basics of instrumented indentation
- Elasticity and plasticity
- Structure property correlation at nanoscale
- Thin film mechanical properties
OnSite Training Program:
- Instrumentation and measurement
- Science at nanoscale
- Basics of instrumented indentation
- Elasticity and plasticity
- Structure property correlation at nanoscale
- Thin film mechanical properties